Category Archives: Research
The New Science of Stretch & Alternative Medicine
What is the science of stretch? And is it related to the science of Acupuncture? It just so turns out there was some majorly eye-opening research done recently on just what happens when we stretch and how that is similar … Continue reading
How Does it Work?
I get asked this question all the time. After all, the practice of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine is somewhat of an enigma, a vague medicine that people either swear by or disregard as snake oil. In fact there is a … Continue reading
Be a Better Athlete with Acupuncture
If you are an athlete, you rely on your body. Your livelihood depends on your physical prowess, your conditioning, your strength (both mental and physical), your focus and probably most importantly, your ability to recover. So how good is your … Continue reading
Understanding Acupuncture
I know it’s been ages since I’ve written a blog post, so what’s the word? Well, it seems Acupuncture is making headway in the news and changing the way we perceive healthcare and the idea of wellness. It (Acupuncture and … Continue reading
Coming Soon to the Land of the Sun!
… Jill Bolte Taylor. This is sure to be one of the best presentations you’ve ever seen and well worth the $45 dollars to listen, watch and change how you perceive life and our relationships forever. I have read her … Continue reading