Category Archives: Reflections
Just Be
I recently just had the most wonderful 3 week vacation ever! It was filled with Idaho outdoors, sunshine, relaxation, weddings, bbq’s, mtn. biking, road riding, friends & family… just to name a few! I’m clearly still in denial that we started our … Continue reading
Rites of Passage…
Here we are… coming up on a major crossroads (at least me and the rest of the 2nd of 3 year students at OCOM). Finals started up this week and continue pretty heavily into next week. Then after that’s all … Continue reading
Now That’s Spooky Action At A Distance!
Check out this extraordinary image of the supernova (from Reuters): In this ultraviolet image (upper L), several weeks-old Supernova 2007uy is seen in galaxy NGC2770, taken on January 7, 2008, with a close-up, X-ray image of that supernova beneath. New … Continue reading
Health & Happiness
“No one will ever be more invested in your own mental or physical health than you. The more you take an interest in your own health and what supports it and the more responsibility you take for your own health … Continue reading
“If I Had a Magic Wand… My Wish…”
“… is for everyone to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity” (Oliver, 2010) [ted id=765] Obesity is a growing health … Continue reading