Author Archives: eresko

About eresko

I am a licensed Acupuncturist and NCCAOM Board certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine. I live in Hailey, Idaho, where I have an Acupuncture practice, Erin Hill Acupuncture as well as a type of Integrative Wellness Care practice, Tune Up. I am also a Level I & II certified Kettlebell Instructor and teach private classes in the Wood River Valley, Idaho. I have been very active in sports and athletics since I can remember. I received my BS in Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado @ Boulder. In my practice I utilize all modalities to help get you where you want to be, whether with Acupuncture, Nutrition, or Kettlebell training. I am well versed in treating Sports specific conditions; pain, injuries, strains & sprains and use my knowledge of the body both from a Chinese Medical standpoint and a traditional Western one; a concept that most of my patients are familiar with. In addition, I incorporate my knowledge of the physical body & how we move, where restrictions, pain, or tightness may reside and how that, in turn, affects the internal organs or vice versa. For each individual that walks through my door, I am able to assess what each person needs as far as therapy to achieve their goals. Each person is different, inside and out and treatments should reflect that. Among my modalities, I use Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tuina (a type of Chinese bodywork), Japanese style Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Nutrition, and Lifestyle coaching as well as my Kettlebell training for rehab and for improving one's fitness level.

‘Young Cancer Patient Finding Relief Through Acupuncture’

 One of the things Acupuncture is great at, is treating pain.  It has the ability to literally eradicate it within seconds to minutes upon needle insertion.  People have found relief with low back pain, migraines, muscle aches, joint pain, TMJ, you name it, it’s probably … Continue reading

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What to really think about the Swine Flu!

  Unless you are hiding under a rock or living in the wilderness without contact with anybody and therefore, clearly not reading this, it’s highly unlikely that you haven’t been subject to the next fear mongering pandemic called SWINE FLU … Continue reading

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‘Integrative PTSD Programs for Vets’

  Since I originally posted this article way back when in 2009; the VA really upped their game in the treatment of veterans with alternative methods like Acupuncture.  There has been a growing number of studies, testing the effects of … Continue reading

Posted in Acupuncture, In the Military, Stress Relief | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Emerging Research in Alternative Medicine

This past weekend, I attended the Symposium for Portland Area Research on Complementary & Alternative Medicine (SPARC).  The theme of the symposium was “Emerging Directions in CAM Research”.  As a student, with lots of studying to do and a list of … Continue reading

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Support Your Vets!

  A few years ago my Dad was diagnosed with PTSD; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; from serving in the Vietnam War.  Since then I’ve gotten to see a side of my dad that I never knew existed, one that surely … Continue reading

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