One of my most prized sources of information about all sorts of things regarding healthy and green-living… health & toxins, home, farming, natural resources, energy choices, health tips, skin care, child safety… the list goes on.
The Environmental Working Group is a non-profit, non-partisan research organization dedicated to using the power of information to protect human health and the environment.
The Environmental Working Group is an amazing resource with great health information using valid research to back up their claims. They work hard to make sure you have all the information you need about the products you are using everyday. If you haven’t already check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Website, it’s a database of most skin care products, their safety, ingredients & possible toxicity… it’s pretty eye-opening! (You can also check out my blog post on “Living Organically“). In addition they have a Shoppers’ Guide to Pesticides in Produce.
They also have an Enviroblog, which I have listed under ‘Blogs and Websites I love’ to the right. Check it out! If you are like me, you like to be “in the know” about products and how they affect us and right now the EWG is looking for donations of any amount (as low as $5) to keep up the good work!
I am a big fan of the organization and in the midst of the holiday season, I urge you to make informed decisions about the gifts you give and check out their sites!
~Happy Holidays~
Source: Environmental Working Group, Dec. 2nd 2009
About eresko
I am a licensed Acupuncturist and NCCAOM Board certified Diplomat of Oriental Medicine. I live in Hailey, Idaho, where I have an Acupuncture practice, Erin Hill Acupuncture as well as a type of Integrative Wellness Care practice, Tune Up.
I am also a Level I & II certified Kettlebell Instructor and teach private classes in the Wood River Valley, Idaho.
I have been very active in sports and athletics since I can remember. I received my BS in Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado @ Boulder. In my practice I utilize all modalities to help get you where you want to be, whether with Acupuncture, Nutrition, or Kettlebell training.
I am well versed in treating Sports specific conditions; pain, injuries, strains & sprains and use my knowledge of the body both from a Chinese Medical standpoint and a traditional Western one; a concept that most of my patients are familiar with. In addition, I incorporate my knowledge of the physical body & how we move, where restrictions, pain, or tightness may reside and how that, in turn, affects the internal organs or vice versa. For each individual that walks through my door, I am able to assess what each person needs as far as therapy to achieve their goals. Each person is different, inside and out and treatments should reflect that.
Among my modalities, I use Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Tuina (a type of Chinese bodywork), Japanese style Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Nutrition, and Lifestyle coaching as well as my Kettlebell training for rehab and for improving one's fitness level.
I am a big fan of Eco tourism
I find a good source here.